Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Plaquemines Parish Public School System to provide the highest quality instruction for every student so that we produce the best authentic readers, writers, thinkers and listeners.
It is the vision of the Plaquemines Parish Public School System that:
* All students will achieve at high levels in the presence of powerful teaching.
* Teaching and learning will improve if adults engage in collaborative learning, planning, and open analysis of instructional practice.
* Decisions about teaching and learning will be evidence-based and address the brutal reality.
* A focus on literacy and numeracy will strengthen teaching and learning across all grade levels and subjects.
* Taking actions to provide "whatever it takes" will ensure every student's success.
* Teaching and learning will improve if adults engage in collaborative learning, planning, and open analysis of instructional practice.
* Decisions about teaching and learning will be evidence-based and address the brutal reality.
* A focus on literacy and numeracy will strengthen teaching and learning across all grade levels and subjects.
* Taking actions to provide "whatever it takes" will ensure every student's success.