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2025-2026 Early Childhood Application

If you have any questions, please call the Early Childhood Office at 504-595-6430 between the hours of 8:00am - 3:00pm, Monday-Friday.
GATHER the following required documentation to complete the application.
All programs:
1. Child's Birth Certificate
2. Child's Immunization Record
3. Proof of Income for all adults in the home (earned and unearned--minimum of 4 stubs each or SNAP/Medicaid)
4. Child's Social Security Card
5. Parent or Guardian's Drivers' License/Photo ID
PreK and Head Start Programs:
1. Three Proofs of Residency within Plaquemines Parish
2. Legal or Custody Papers, if applicable
3. Child's IEP, if applicable
4. PPSB Fillable Forms (PREK PPSB PACK file at the bottom of this page)
5. Medicaid or private insurance card (Head Start ONLY)
6. Car Insurance Card (Head Start ONLY)
CALCULATE your gross annual income (total before taxes). You will need to provide this information on the application.
CHOOSE which program to apply to. If you are applying for Childcare, Head Start or PreK, please only select the school in your residency zone.

NOTE: If applying for Early Care CCAP assistance AND child is Birth to 4 years old, application must be completed for all centers. See Early Care Centers tab for phone number.