Can we apply for the 2024-2025 school year?
Our online application will open Wednesday, February 1, 2024. We will take applications through May 2024 for all of our programs. All submitted applications will be reviewed for completion as they are received. There are many applications received. We appreciate your patience with our review of documentation.
Our network has the following programs:
- Tuition, Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), AND Birth to 3 Grant funding available at:
- Awesome Angels
- 3 Sisters Academy II
- Froggies Child Care
- Kate and Allie's Child Care
- Little Canes Early Care at SPES
- Little Spartans Early Care at PXHS
- PreK and Head Start are available for 3 and 4 year olds within our Plaquemines Parish School System.
- Tuition, Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), AND Birth to 3 Grant funding available at:
Are the programs "first come first serve" for the Head Start or PreK school based programs?
No, the child applying in May has the same chance that a child applying February 22nd will have. We do encourage everyone to get their applications submitted as soon as they can to ensure we have time to review all needed documents for the grants.
All of our programs are based on income eligibility first. Each program is funded by grants that require the most financially needy families enter the programs. Foster or children experiencing homelessness are categorically eligible.
How do I apply?
Visit the APPLICATION tab on this website. There is a step by step process of how to complete the application. Each application is reviewed for completion and eligibility. Only completed applications are considered for enrollment in our programs.
How do I know if I am income eligible for the programs that are available?
Please see the chart below. Each program will have a different income eligibility. (This will be updated following new FPL around February 1st.)
The programs are as listed:
All PreK programs at each school = blue portion of the chart.
All CCAP (Child Care Assistance Program) at child care centers = green portion of the chart.
All Head Start programs at each school = pink portion of the chart.

Is before or after care available?
The only programs that offer before and after care is our child care centers, 3 Sisters Academy II, Awesome Angels, Froggies Child Care, and Kate and Allie's Child Care. Our school based PreK and Head Start programs DO NOT have any before or after care services.
Is bus service provided?
Yes, it is offered to most programs. Bus service is offered at our school programs for 4 year old children. As children turn 4, they must have their immunizations up to date and complete their bus information forms. Once this is complete, we will send information to the transportation office to determine routes. If your child attends a child care center for before and after care, four year olds will be able to use transportation services to their address.
What COVID-19 health and safety precautions are taken for early childhood classrooms?
Each of our programs follow the Child Care Guidance from Louisiana Department of Education.
Our school programs follow the Plaquemines Parish School Reopening Plan as well.
Is my child's development appropriate for his/ her age?
We have some great resources for you to check this for your child. There are checklists to show what your child should be doing for their age. We have checklists for children 2 months old to 5 years old.
How will I know when my child is accepted?
Our applications will remain be open through May 2024. Acceptance to all PreK and Head Start classes will be determined by the end of June 2024. You will receive an email stating that you child has been accepted into a program or on a waitlist at that time. If you have not received an email (to the address provided) by July 15th, please call our Early Childhood Office at 504-595-6430.
What if my child is not potty trained?
Plaquemines Parish Early Childhood Network is here to offer support and guidance in all aspects of your child's development. Your child will not be denied or refused based on a child's potty training ability's.

Please call our Early Childhood Office at (504) 595-6430.